Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 79 - Light The World

Hello! Oh man its been such a blur these past couple of weeks, but we are still so happy and excited to be working out here. Also, it;s getting pretty cold out so CHRISTMAS IS DEFINITELY COMING!! I don't know if all of you have seen the new Christmas initiative #LIGHTtheWORLD but it is amazing and really brings us back to what Christ would want us to do on a holiday that celebrates his birth.

Sister Maxwell and I have been working hard out here in the middle of nowhere! We got lost this week and found a large llama farm, a massive dairy and a bunch of orchards. The work continues to move forward though and we have been blessed to meet some amazing people. We had great lessons with Angie and Carol this week as well and we are excited to see how they continue to progress. We are hoping to start working with some part member families out in Colombia Basin and help them get started with their family history!

As my time is coming to a close, I wanted to take some time to share some things that are dear to my heart that I have learned on my mission.
I know that the Lord loves us and is aware of all of our needs. The love he has for us is perfect and unchanging and we get to share that with our brothers and sisters.
I know that obedience is the first law of heaven. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much that all he wants is for us to return to him. I know that when we are obedient we can have his spirit to be with us and that brings us joy and peace. As we pray to see ourselves as Heavenly Father sees us and pray to see others as He sees them we can more fully accept the Atonement of our Savior and develop his attributes toward others.
I know that this is Christ's Church restored on the earth. I know that we are loved by a loving Heavenly Father who has a perfect plan for each of us. I know we can be with the ones we love for eternity. I know through study and prayer that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that knowledge has brought me such light into my heart. I know that the Lord calls missionaries to serve and to teach, but most importantly to become valiant disciples so we can continue to love and bring light to the world.
I have truly loved and enjoyed my mission. Though it has not been easy, I have felt the loving embrace of our Savior to help me keep moving forward. 

I hope you have a wonderful week and I'll see you soon.
Sister Madeline Whetten

Monday, November 28, 2016

Week 78 - Double Stuffed Sisters


This week was definitely one for the books! Sister Maxwell and I were really committed to find someone to teach in the massive Colombia Basin. It takes a very long time to get from house to house out there and it is very easy to get lost. After 3 hours of road tripping and knocking with no luck we decided to try one more house before it got too dark. We typed the address into the gps and of course it said it would be another 30 minutes until we got to the house so we decided we would go for it! As we were nearing the last turn Sister Maxwell missed the little dirt road and we were lost for about another hour! But it all worked out because when we finally found the house we talked to a lady named Ashley who told us we could come back so hey! it all worked out. That is work out in the Basin in a nutshell but we are working hard and really enjoying our time. 
Thanksgiving was great! WE ATE 2 DINNERS so we were rolling out of there. We loved spending time with the members of both wards and being grateful for all that we have. We have been so blessed to be serving the Lord at this time. There are so many people here that we love and serve. Thank you for all of your love and support! We really do feel it out here and it keeps us going! 
Sister Madeline Whetten

Monday, November 21, 2016


Hello! We've had a busy busy week. But honestly it has such a blessing to be busy, especially during the holiday season. We've been doing our best to split our time with the Colombia Basin ward so we can start getting things rolling out there like we've done here in Pasco 10th. Last week we were trying to find a house out in Colombia Basin and It was dark and the houses don't have addresses and we only got lost a few times so everyone should be proud of us! That describes us every day out in the basin.

Jess McCowin got baptized this week! It was so amazing. He is the sweetest man and He was readier than ever to be baptized. The whole ward came to support him and we had all of the missionaries that taught him there. He was just beaming an everyone who spoke mentioned his sweet wife Jacky and how they knew she was there supporting him. We are excited to get him going on his family history so his family can be sealed together. I love being able to watch the gospel of Jesus Christ in action everyday. It strengthens my testimony and motivates me to help others. 

Also this week is THANKSGIVING!!! I am so excited. We are going to spend it with families that we love and hopefully be eating lots of good food! It is a great way to be with those that we love and celebrate what we are grateful for! I love you all so much! Have a happy thanksgiving!! 🦃🦃🦃🦃

Sister Madeline Whetten

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Week 76 - The Black Lung at a Zone Conference

Hello! This week has been a blast. Sister Maxwell and I are starting to recover from the black lung and we've been getting back into the swing of things. Things in Pasco 10th and Columbia Basin ward have been a little crazy. The boundaries are huge and the wards start at the same time so we've been trying to work that out. Sister Maxwell and I look crazy trying to off-road on these farms. Columbia Basin is a great ward though! Lots of amazing people who are so willing to help and serve. There are a few part-member families in the Basin that we are excited to start working with. 

On Friday we had a zone conference with Elder Zeballos of the Seventy. It was great to hear the council he had to give on faith and missionary work. He spoke a lot about how we need to have Charity as the main focus of our lives. As we reach out to others in service and love, they will be more open to receiving the gospel. There is also a tradition where the missionaries who are leaving have to stand up and give a departing testimony. I thought that I was in the clear because we made it all the way to the lunch after the meeting. But lo and behold they ask me after I had eaten a bunch of Mexican food and was already emotional about saying goodbye to all of my friends and past companions. They made us stand in front of everyone there (4 zones and Elder and Sister Zeballos) with a microphone and give our testimonies. Now keep in mind I still have a raspy voice from the cold and they made me go last. Fortunately it went alright and people could understand MOST of what I was saying. 

I really am grateful for the opportunity I've had to serve. I love the Lord and I love the people. I know that His gospel is for everyone and it covers every circumstance. Thank you for all of the love and support! Have a great week! 

Sister Madeline Whetten 

Week 75 - Columbia Basin, Here We Come!

Hello! Sorry if this email doesn't make much sense... Sister Maxwell and I have been down with a cold that seems to be taking out everyone. But hey! tis the season. Everything is going great here in Pasco 10th. We have had exciting things happening with some of the people we have been working with and we just found out today that we will be taking over the Colombia Basin ward as well. Maxwell and Whetten are taking over Pasco! We got transfer calls this morning and we will be staying together for the next 5 weeks until I go home. I am so grateful we get to be together and finish off strong.

Tuesday we had the COOLEST experience with Mercedes. She has been on this major family history kick and its been so fun to help her with it. We were showing her how to attach some documents to her ancestors and we came across a sister of her great grandmother that she didn't know about. As soon as we found her the spirit was so strong. We could almost feel how excited her family was that we had found them! When we got more information we found an entire line of names that were connected to this sister! You can just picture us all sitting there on her couch freaking out when all of these names popped up on her family tree. My testimony of Family History work has increased dramatically since helping others with it. I know that it is our responsibility to help those who have passed on receive the same blessings of the gospel that are available to us.

On Wednesday we were able to meet with Angie for the first time in a few weeks. She tore her ACL this week and we were able to go and teach her. She has been through a lot recently and we were able to talk to her more about the plan that our Heavenly Father has for her and her family. The spirit was very strong when we talked about eternal families and how she can still be with loved ones who shes lost. She has decided to be baptized and we are grateful for the chance we have to teach her and help her prepare. 

It's going to be a crazy couple of weeks with a giant new area out in farmland and everything going on still in 10th ward but I know the Lord will provide a way! Even if its dragging us out of our sick beds haha. Thank you so much for all of your love and support! 

Sister Madeline Whetten 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Week 74 - Halloween and Another Last Minute Baptism!!

To be honest this week was crazy and I want to write down every little detail but then this letter would be insanely long and we don't have time for that so! here we go! 

Last week we got a call from a member in our ward who told us about a part member family who was coming in town for a funeral. She told us he was being taught in Hawaii for the past year and his baptismal date was set for October 29 but then they had to come up for his father in law's funeral. She then told us he would like to keep his date and get baptized HERE INSTEAD. At this point in the call you can imagine sister maxwell and I are FREAKING OUT because we just had a baptism and now we are having another one!!? It took some time to get in touch with them because we had to get permission from the mission president in Hawaii and it was all crazy but last Sunday there they were! Front row! His name is Earnado but he goes by E. and him and his wife Paulina were there with their 4 cute little kids. It was all systems go for Sister Maxwell and I. I don't think we've ever been so busy. We needed to plan this in 2 days for an investigator who was leaving 2 days later. We went over everyday this week and got to know him and his family and prepare for Friday. E has the most powerful conversion story and you can tell he has really changed his life around. I am so grateful for the time that we had to get to know this sweet family. We really do love them even if the time was short. The baptism on Friday somehow came together perfect which is crazy because at one point it seemed like it wasn't happening. The spirit was strong and he was the happiest person we had ever seen. I know that because of our Savior we can be made clean and whole again. I am so excited to see what blessings the Lord has in store for the Frederick family! 

We also had our ward Halloween party on Saturday and to try and participate we dressed up as "hermanas" in my poblano dresses. We got a kick out of it and loved spending time with the ward! I hope you all had a great holiday and have a wonderful week! 

Sister Madeline Whetten 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Hello! This week was amazing and Mercedes got baptized!!!!! It was one of the best moments out here by far. The week proceeding a baptism is always a whirlwind and nothing seems to be working out at first and then all of a sudden it does. We met with her and Jeff pretty much every day leading up to Saturday and making sure that everything was going to be ok. Working with Mercedes has been the most wonderful experiences. We have seen her grow and progress so quickly and the ward has just totally accepted her. She has more light about her and you can tell she has a better understanding about who she is. She knows now that she is a daughter of God and that He wants what is best for her. All of Jeff's family from Boise came up and so many families from our ward came. It was funny because she had originally said she didn't want anyone at her baptism and on Saturday she walked into a room packed full of people that loved and supported her. The talks were beautiful and she was able to be confirmed right after the baptism by her father-in-law. It was very personal and the spirit was so strong. Watching someone you have grown to love so much make a life-changing promise with our Heavenly Father is a unique and incredible experience. I know that Sister Maxwell and I were meant to be here at this time and we are overwhelmed with gratitude. 

We also had a great lesson with our investigator Carole. We got to her house and she told us that she had read all the way to 2nd Nephi in ONE DAY. She said she was so excited she couldn't put it down. Our mouths kinda hung open for a second when she said that but we snapped out of it and had a great lesson with her. We are so excited for the work that is happening here. It is fast paced and busy and the members are excited. I am so grateful for all of the love and support! I hope you all have a great week!! 

Sister Madeline Whetten

Monday, October 17, 2016

Week 72 - Palouse and Pasco

This honestly feels like the first time we have actually sat down all week! That tells you what kind of week it has been. We have seen SO MANY huge miracles it is incredible. 

We were able to find a new investigator this week! Her name is Carole. She has been taught by missionaries before but had somehow fallen off the radar with all of her traveling. She was all excited to tell us that she just bought herself a large print book of mormon so she could continue to study with the sisters. She is so sweet and we are excited to continue to meet with her.

On Friday we had a lesson with Mercedes and Jeff on tithing. We knew going in that this would be a rough one for her as it is for most other people. Money is a hard thing to work with and 10 percent often makes a huge difference. We decided to approach the subject simply and very straight forward. The spirit was so strong when Sister Maxwell and I bore our testimonies of tithing and how it has specifically blessed our families. The next day we went over again to talk more about her baptism coming up on Saturday and when we asked again about tithing she answered with confidence that she would live and obey that commandment. It has been amazing to see her faith grow in such a small amount of time. We love her and her family and could not be happier for them. 

Saturday I had the opportunity to go to the baptism of Ramona in Hermiston. Sister Gomez and I found and started teaching her in May and we were able to go back and see her be baptized. She has changed so much since we first started teaching her. After the baptism she got up to bare her testimony and she said she finally felt like she belonged. She testified of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. She had such a light about her and everyone was feeling of her sweet spirit. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to witness some of my brothers and sisters prepare and participate in this sacred ordinance. I wouldn't trade this for the world :) 

Today we had the chance to go to the ONE cool spot left in our mission! Its called Palouse falls and it is located right in the middle of nowhere just past Connell Washington on your way to Spokane. We decided to road trip it up there today and it was so beautiful. I am so grateful for this chance that I have had to be here. I truly love it and treasure the time that I have. Thank you for all of your love and prayers! They are working miracles in Pasco Washington! ❤

Sister Madeline Whetten 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 71 - It's Raining, it's Pouring, My Comp is Sick of Me Snoring

Hello! We had so many cool miracles this week and I will do my very best to sum them up! 
We had an amazing lesson with Charity that left us excited and exhausted. She is so amazing and humble. We were teaching her about the plan of salvation and how it is the plan for her and her family. She loves her family and literally does everything for them so we knew it would make her happy to learn about. At the end of the lesson we testified of what we had just taught and she just looks at us with big eyes and said "I completely believe you" It so hard not to freak out when you hear something like that. We love her and her family so much and we are excited to see where things go. We may even get to throw a wedding in the upcoming weeks for her and Jaime! Stay tuned haha. 

Yesterday we had the best surprise waiting for us a church. Jess McCowin ( our 81 year old investigator that was in the hospital for the past month and a half) was just sitting there waiting for us when we walked into the chapel. He is so sweet and really just wants to be baptized so he can be sealed to his wife. We are really hoping his health permits him to take that step. 

We had a great lesson with Mercedes and Jeff last night about the commandments. We truly love them and it has been so amazing to see her grow in the gospel. Commandments can be a very hard thing when it is not a lifestyle that you are used to living. We are amazed at her faith to live them anyway and move forward toward her baptism date of October 22!!! She says she doesn't want anyone there so its going to be a bit of a shock when the entire ward shows up because they are so excited. 

We also had the fun experience of tracting in the cold rain last night. We definitely were unprepared and looked like drowned rats. Its ok though! it was worth the incredulous look we got from a lady as she proceeded to say "its wet outside." Well that's all I have for this week but I hope you all have a great one! keep Mercedes and Jess in your prayers. Thank you for all that you do! 

Sister Madeline Whetten

Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 70 - Too Much Birthday Cake and Not Enough Conference!

Hello! We had a great week! Its starting to turn into fall which is actually very pretty here in the Tri-Cities. They have just enough trees to make it fun. It was Sister Maxwell's birthday this week so we celebrated with tons of cake and great members and investigators. Mercedes and Jeff made her a cake and everything. We love them and are so grateful to have met them. We had a neat experience with them this week. We went over to have a lesson and Mercedes' Mother was there from out of town. She was asking a lot of questions about her daughter being baptized so we were able to teach her about what we do and what we share. The next day we went back and taught her again and invited her to watch conference with us on Sunday.  She did and the spirit was very strong. We could tell that there were certain things that really stood out to her. 

The talk by Elder Dale G. Renlund on repentance really stood out to her as it did for all of us. It always amazes me when we talk about the Atonement bearing no scars. I love that visual. Thinking about my actual physical scars on my knees that show what I have been through it is wonderful to know that my emotional ones can be taken away as well. I know the Lord loves us and He wants us to come to him. With everything. Repentance and healing come ONLY through the Atonement of our Savior. I know that to be true and to see that knowledge touch the heart of someone seeking was a wonderful experience. 

We were also able to make contact with Charity and her family this week! WE had a great talk with her husband Jaime and we are hoping and praying to be able to get him and the kids involved with her teaching. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! thank you for all that you do! I hope you LOVED conference as much as we did! 

Sister Madeline Whetten

Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 69 - Baby Squirrels and Women's Conference

Hello! It has been a great week. It seems like it has just flown by, but we definitely got a ton accomplished. Well, we didn't.... The Lord did. He has some amazing plans for this area. Sister Maxwell and I just found out that we are staying together another transfer in Pasco 10th ward and WE ARE SO EXCITED!  Literally bouncing off the walls. 
This week we had some amazing lessons and even found a new investigator! Her name is Stephanie and we were able to teach her, on Tuesday, a little bit about the Restoration. She was excited and we are going to go back this next Tuesday, which will be great. 

We met with Mercedes a few times this week and we tackled the Word of Wisdom lesson. It had the potential to go either way, but with lots of prayers and definitely divine intervention it went awesome. She accepted to live it (which means some significant life changes) and is still pushing toward her October 18th baptismal date. We are so excited for her and have absolutely loved every second getting to know and teach her. She came with us to the Women's Conference on Saturday and you could tell it really touched her heart. Especially President Uchtdorf's talk on faith. Faith has been a new concept for her and he definitely said what she needed to hear. What we all needed to hear! Hearing how we can obtain and grow our faith motivates us to act. 

Speaking of acting...We had members of our ward out with us EVERY NIGHT this week! We couldn't believe it. It was awesome. Each time we had them we had a great experience. I know that the Lord truly blesses us as we step outside of our comfort zones and reach out to help our other brothers and sisters. 

The Squirrel: One of the members in our ward found a baby squirrel at a park and took it home to nurse it back to health. When we asked if there was anything we could help her with she asked if we'd like to help her feed this infant squirrel. His name is "nutsy" according to her kids. We couldn't stop laughing about it. So on Saturday, Sister Maxwell and I got to feed Nutsy, the squirrel. It was hilarious. Definitely something to remember. 

We have truly been blessed to be serving at this time. The Lord's work is moving and we get to be a part of it. Learning how to live and share the Atonement of Jesus Christ has turned my world around. I really do love it and I appreciate all of the support and love that I feel from you! I hope you have the best week! 

Sister Madeline Whetten

Nutsy the squirrel

Our large and in charge district. They always make the sisters squat in front...... Ridiculous!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 68 - Zone Conference Reunion

Hello! It has been a busy, eventful week. Which we are so grateful for because with sister Maxwell's healing foot we aren't able to get out as much as we'd like. But, the Lord is still placing prepared people in our paths and helping us make the most out of every situation. 

We had zone conference this week which was SO FUN. I got to see two past companions and a ton of friends. You really meet the most wonderful people out here who bless your life so much. It was crazy to look around and see all of the missionaries I didn't know!! You dont realize you're old in the mission until you dont know any of the missionaries anymore. That's what happens when you get stuck in the Hermiston boonies for 6 months... haha. We received a great training on acting on revelation and answers from Heavenly Father. It was really about just being able to realize when you are having prayers answered. I think we are sometimes so focused on receiving these great audible answers that we miss the still small impressions that the Holy Ghost leaves in our minds and hearts.

OH MY. So we have been working with Mercedes right? The past couple of weeks President White had given us a challenge to invite at least one more person to be baptized and set a date before zone conference. Sister Maxwell and I took the challenge and prayerfully considered which one of our investigators we could invite again. After lots of fasting and prayer we decided to invite Mercedes to be baptized again. On Wednesday before zone conference we had a lesson with her and it was so powerful. Everything that we had studied for that morning was talked about and when It came time to invite her to consider a date it felt so right. We brought it up by talking about eternal families and about how her and Jeff could be sealed for time and all eternity. It was a special moment and we know that is what she truly wants. We were able to set a date for October 18 and she is determined to do anything and everything to make it. We love her family and we are so grateful for the opportunity we have to meet and work with them. They have truly been a blessing in our lives. Sister Maxwell and I have had the sweet confirmation that we are here for them. I know that Lord truly does care about each one of us individually and he just wants us to be happy. 

Thank you so much for all of your love and support! I hope you have the best week! 
Sister Madeline Whetten 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Week 67 - This week is on FIRE!

Hello! This week has been great, although there is not much to report on. We did have a couple of amazing lessons though! Also, there were a ton of fires in the area...BUT don't worry!!! We were all safe and sound. Also we got to make s'mores with a member last night, so Sister Maxwell and I are giving off the lovely smokey vibe today.

We are still working with Mercedes and she is really doing awesome. She has little to no knowledge about the Gospel, so we have really been taking it step by step. It is so fun to see her learn though. She is like a sponge and just soaks it all up. We have been making prayer and communication with her Heavenly Father a big focus. She says she loves all that she learns and has been making a conscious effort to build a knowledge for herself. We showed her the video of Al Fox Carraway and it was perfect for her. She is a little self conscious about her tattoos but we have been constantly reassuring her that it is OK. So the video was awesome and it talked all about prayer which was perfect.

I know that it is so important to share that time with our Father in heaven. He wants to communicate with us and he loves when we reach out. I know that as we earnestly strive to reach out to him through prayer, He will always answer and reassure us. 

We also were able to go into primary this week and talk about missionary work. It was so cute to see their little faces light up when we talked about how Heavenly Father blesses us as missionaries. When we asked if they were all going to serve missions their little hands shot up so fast we thought they were going to fall out of their chairs. We can all learn from their humble sweet examples of how to be ready and willing to serve the Lord in any way. 
I hope you all had a great week!! Thank you for everything!!! 

Love you all! 
Sister Madeline Whetten

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Week 66 - Finding, Teaching, Baptism, and Temple!

It has been the CRAZIEST week. My investigator Linda from Hermiston was finally able to be baptized this week! It was the most amazing thing. She didn't know I would get to come so when Sister Gomez and I showed up there were many tears. I had the opportunity to speak at the baptism. It was so wonderful to see her there just so full of joy as she was making this covenant with our Heavenly Father. Everyone there was just overwhelmed with emotion because of what she has gone through to get to this point. She is so strong and I am overjoyed for her.

We also had the opportunity to go through the temple with the Berry family from Hermiston. We had helped them prepare and got to go and experience that special moment with them. I again was overwhelmed with love and joy for them as they made more sacred promises in the temple. Its not very often that you get so many of those experiences in a week.
Back to good ol' Pasco. Things are actually going great here. Our investigator Mercedes is doing great. She is applying what the spirit is teaching her and really trying to make the necessary changes in her life to come closer to Jesus Christ. She also fed us amazing dinner this week with her husband Jeff and we had a great time getting to know them better. Sister Maxwell and I have really loved getting to know and serve their family. We know they are loved by our Father in Heaven and that he wants to see them progress.

We also found a new investigator this week! Her name is Charity. Her mother is an inactive member but her grandmother was very active when she was alive. She feels naturally drawn to the church and we had such a wonderful spirit-filled lesson with her last night. She is full of desire to change and she recognizes the hole that needs to be filled. We love her already and we are excited to see what the time brings.

 I love you all so much and I hope you have the best week! Thank you for all that you do.

Sister Madeline Whetten 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 65 - Greetings from Pasco

This week was good. It wasn't a super exciting week but that's ok! We are slowly but surely getting to know our MASSIVE ward. it is the biggest ward I have served in and its definitely a different dynamic than I'm used to. The ward consists of mainly young married couples who live in this beautiful new housing development. 

Working here is a bit different but we are taking new approaches with the members and hoping to see some progress. There are so many members in our area that they call it "mini Provo". They have a giant stake center in the middle of the neighborhood so people definitely know where we are at. The members are super missionary minded which is amazing because I don't know how anything would get done without that. Which is how it should be everywhere by the way! It doesn't matter how many members live in your neighborhood, there is always someone who can be fellowshipped and loved. I know that as disciples  of Jesus Christ we need to be doing his work at all times. Not just within our callings or church hours. As we prayerfully ask for Christ's desire to love and serve those around us, he will give it to us. I have seen the most wonderful things from asking the Lord to help me see and do things as he does. We are all so so far from perfect but because of him, I know we can be a little better each day. 

I love you all and I hope you have the best week!

Sister Madeline Whetten

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Week 64 - One and the Same

Hello! Transfer week has come and gone and I am back in Pasco! Who would've thought eh? I am in a different stake now and am serving in the Pasco 10th ward with Sister Maxwell. Sister Maxwell is from Mesa Arizona and we are a match made in heaven. Literally. I know that we were meant to be together because holy cow I love her. Our mission president says we look like cousins and it's probably because we both have big cheeks when we smile. It has been so much fun this past week and I can't wait for what lies ahead.

Pasco 10th ward is a huge, young ward with lots of move ins and beautiful homes. Its quite a change from my past areas but I love it just the same. There are some exciting things happening here as well. We are teaching a man named Jess. He is 81 and is amazing. He is all ready to be baptized and prepare to go to the temple to be sealed to his sweet wife. I know I say this all the time but my testimony of eternal families just continues to sky rocket. The only thing bringing Jess peace is the knowledge that he can be with his wife again. I know that that is Heavenly Father's plan for all of us. True happiness can only be found by following our Savior and completely trusting in the plan of our Father. 

I am so grateful to be here serving. My mind is blown every day with the amount of love that our Heavenly Father has for all of us. He knows us perfectly so the blessings he gives us for our obedience are perfect. I love you all and I hope you are having the best week! Thank you for all of your love and support.

Sister Madeline Whetten 

Twins :0)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 63 - Transfers and Tamales

Hello! It has been a wild week. We just got our transfer calls and I am leaving Hermiston Oregon and going back to Pasco, Washington. I cant even believe it. It feels like I just got here, but it has been six months. I love the area and the people but I know the Lord knows where I need to be. The worst part will be leaving Sister Johns ðŸ˜” I will miss her terribly but I am confident in her ability to take over the area and the people I love so much. 

Other than that sad news we did have a great week. We got to teach new investigators, Ramona came to church, and we were able to work with some of our favorite members who are returning. It has been amazing to see all of these brothers and sisters coming unto Christ by living and loving his teachings. I know that we can truly come to know our Savior as we learn about him and do our best to live as he taught. 

We got to go and help the spanish sisters with service this week making tamales! It was so much fun. The lady was so sweet and patient with our naive tamale making skills and we had a great time talking with her. Well, sort of talking. I did the best that I could in my broken spanglish. You would think I would've been fluent by now with all my native companions :) Everyone here asks how I understand so well and when I explain my background they never believe me. Their expressions are priceless.

We found a new investigator this week! Her name is Maria. We got her as a referral from the spanish elders because she prefers to be taught in English. When she let us into our home we were shocked (that doesn't happen often) and we ended up having a wonderful lesson with her. I am constantly amazed how quickly the Spirit can touch someones heart. I know that the Lord completely makes up for our inadequacies and helps us become instruments in His hands. I have treasured my time here in Hermiston and I know that the Lord will take care of the people I love here as well as the new people I get to meet and love in Pasco. Thank you so much for all of your support and love :) It makes the biggest difference. I love you! 

Have the best week. 
Sister Madeline Whetten