Monday, September 12, 2016

Week 67 - This week is on FIRE!

Hello! This week has been great, although there is not much to report on. We did have a couple of amazing lessons though! Also, there were a ton of fires in the area...BUT don't worry!!! We were all safe and sound. Also we got to make s'mores with a member last night, so Sister Maxwell and I are giving off the lovely smokey vibe today.

We are still working with Mercedes and she is really doing awesome. She has little to no knowledge about the Gospel, so we have really been taking it step by step. It is so fun to see her learn though. She is like a sponge and just soaks it all up. We have been making prayer and communication with her Heavenly Father a big focus. She says she loves all that she learns and has been making a conscious effort to build a knowledge for herself. We showed her the video of Al Fox Carraway and it was perfect for her. She is a little self conscious about her tattoos but we have been constantly reassuring her that it is OK. So the video was awesome and it talked all about prayer which was perfect.

I know that it is so important to share that time with our Father in heaven. He wants to communicate with us and he loves when we reach out. I know that as we earnestly strive to reach out to him through prayer, He will always answer and reassure us. 

We also were able to go into primary this week and talk about missionary work. It was so cute to see their little faces light up when we talked about how Heavenly Father blesses us as missionaries. When we asked if they were all going to serve missions their little hands shot up so fast we thought they were going to fall out of their chairs. We can all learn from their humble sweet examples of how to be ready and willing to serve the Lord in any way. 
I hope you all had a great week!! Thank you for everything!!! 

Love you all! 
Sister Madeline Whetten

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