Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 69 - Baby Squirrels and Women's Conference

Hello! It has been a great week. It seems like it has just flown by, but we definitely got a ton accomplished. Well, we didn't.... The Lord did. He has some amazing plans for this area. Sister Maxwell and I just found out that we are staying together another transfer in Pasco 10th ward and WE ARE SO EXCITED!  Literally bouncing off the walls. 
This week we had some amazing lessons and even found a new investigator! Her name is Stephanie and we were able to teach her, on Tuesday, a little bit about the Restoration. She was excited and we are going to go back this next Tuesday, which will be great. 

We met with Mercedes a few times this week and we tackled the Word of Wisdom lesson. It had the potential to go either way, but with lots of prayers and definitely divine intervention it went awesome. She accepted to live it (which means some significant life changes) and is still pushing toward her October 18th baptismal date. We are so excited for her and have absolutely loved every second getting to know and teach her. She came with us to the Women's Conference on Saturday and you could tell it really touched her heart. Especially President Uchtdorf's talk on faith. Faith has been a new concept for her and he definitely said what she needed to hear. What we all needed to hear! Hearing how we can obtain and grow our faith motivates us to act. 

Speaking of acting...We had members of our ward out with us EVERY NIGHT this week! We couldn't believe it. It was awesome. Each time we had them we had a great experience. I know that the Lord truly blesses us as we step outside of our comfort zones and reach out to help our other brothers and sisters. 

The Squirrel: One of the members in our ward found a baby squirrel at a park and took it home to nurse it back to health. When we asked if there was anything we could help her with she asked if we'd like to help her feed this infant squirrel. His name is "nutsy" according to her kids. We couldn't stop laughing about it. So on Saturday, Sister Maxwell and I got to feed Nutsy, the squirrel. It was hilarious. Definitely something to remember. 

We have truly been blessed to be serving at this time. The Lord's work is moving and we get to be a part of it. Learning how to live and share the Atonement of Jesus Christ has turned my world around. I really do love it and I appreciate all of the support and love that I feel from you! I hope you have the best week! 

Sister Madeline Whetten

Nutsy the squirrel

Our large and in charge district. They always make the sisters squat in front...... Ridiculous!

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