Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Week 75 - Columbia Basin, Here We Come!

Hello! Sorry if this email doesn't make much sense... Sister Maxwell and I have been down with a cold that seems to be taking out everyone. But hey! tis the season. Everything is going great here in Pasco 10th. We have had exciting things happening with some of the people we have been working with and we just found out today that we will be taking over the Colombia Basin ward as well. Maxwell and Whetten are taking over Pasco! We got transfer calls this morning and we will be staying together for the next 5 weeks until I go home. I am so grateful we get to be together and finish off strong.

Tuesday we had the COOLEST experience with Mercedes. She has been on this major family history kick and its been so fun to help her with it. We were showing her how to attach some documents to her ancestors and we came across a sister of her great grandmother that she didn't know about. As soon as we found her the spirit was so strong. We could almost feel how excited her family was that we had found them! When we got more information we found an entire line of names that were connected to this sister! You can just picture us all sitting there on her couch freaking out when all of these names popped up on her family tree. My testimony of Family History work has increased dramatically since helping others with it. I know that it is our responsibility to help those who have passed on receive the same blessings of the gospel that are available to us.

On Wednesday we were able to meet with Angie for the first time in a few weeks. She tore her ACL this week and we were able to go and teach her. She has been through a lot recently and we were able to talk to her more about the plan that our Heavenly Father has for her and her family. The spirit was very strong when we talked about eternal families and how she can still be with loved ones who shes lost. She has decided to be baptized and we are grateful for the chance we have to teach her and help her prepare. 

It's going to be a crazy couple of weeks with a giant new area out in farmland and everything going on still in 10th ward but I know the Lord will provide a way! Even if its dragging us out of our sick beds haha. Thank you so much for all of your love and support! 

Sister Madeline Whetten 

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