Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 71 - It's Raining, it's Pouring, My Comp is Sick of Me Snoring

Hello! We had so many cool miracles this week and I will do my very best to sum them up! 
We had an amazing lesson with Charity that left us excited and exhausted. She is so amazing and humble. We were teaching her about the plan of salvation and how it is the plan for her and her family. She loves her family and literally does everything for them so we knew it would make her happy to learn about. At the end of the lesson we testified of what we had just taught and she just looks at us with big eyes and said "I completely believe you" It so hard not to freak out when you hear something like that. We love her and her family so much and we are excited to see where things go. We may even get to throw a wedding in the upcoming weeks for her and Jaime! Stay tuned haha. 

Yesterday we had the best surprise waiting for us a church. Jess McCowin ( our 81 year old investigator that was in the hospital for the past month and a half) was just sitting there waiting for us when we walked into the chapel. He is so sweet and really just wants to be baptized so he can be sealed to his wife. We are really hoping his health permits him to take that step. 

We had a great lesson with Mercedes and Jeff last night about the commandments. We truly love them and it has been so amazing to see her grow in the gospel. Commandments can be a very hard thing when it is not a lifestyle that you are used to living. We are amazed at her faith to live them anyway and move forward toward her baptism date of October 22!!! She says she doesn't want anyone there so its going to be a bit of a shock when the entire ward shows up because they are so excited. 

We also had the fun experience of tracting in the cold rain last night. We definitely were unprepared and looked like drowned rats. Its ok though! it was worth the incredulous look we got from a lady as she proceeded to say "its wet outside." Well that's all I have for this week but I hope you all have a great one! keep Mercedes and Jess in your prayers. Thank you for all that you do! 

Sister Madeline Whetten

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