Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Week 64 - One and the Same

Hello! Transfer week has come and gone and I am back in Pasco! Who would've thought eh? I am in a different stake now and am serving in the Pasco 10th ward with Sister Maxwell. Sister Maxwell is from Mesa Arizona and we are a match made in heaven. Literally. I know that we were meant to be together because holy cow I love her. Our mission president says we look like cousins and it's probably because we both have big cheeks when we smile. It has been so much fun this past week and I can't wait for what lies ahead.

Pasco 10th ward is a huge, young ward with lots of move ins and beautiful homes. Its quite a change from my past areas but I love it just the same. There are some exciting things happening here as well. We are teaching a man named Jess. He is 81 and is amazing. He is all ready to be baptized and prepare to go to the temple to be sealed to his sweet wife. I know I say this all the time but my testimony of eternal families just continues to sky rocket. The only thing bringing Jess peace is the knowledge that he can be with his wife again. I know that that is Heavenly Father's plan for all of us. True happiness can only be found by following our Savior and completely trusting in the plan of our Father. 

I am so grateful to be here serving. My mind is blown every day with the amount of love that our Heavenly Father has for all of us. He knows us perfectly so the blessings he gives us for our obedience are perfect. I love you all and I hope you are having the best week! Thank you for all of your love and support.

Sister Madeline Whetten 

Twins :0)

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