Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week 30 - "And a Happy New Yeaaaar!"

Lemmie tell ya it was a week full of Christmas miracles. There's just something about the Christmas season that makes everything a little sweeter. It has been pretty cold here in Walla Walla and besides occasionally slipping on black ice, Sister Purcell and I have been doing pretty good! Christmas was a blast. I loved seeing the fam and bawling my eyes out. Haha Just kidding! It was so great. We ate gross amount of ham from the 2 dinners we attended. Sister Purcell braided my hair in Tahitian braids Christmas eve so I looked like a poodle for presents Christmas morning. We have some INCREDIBLE investigators here. We were able to meet with Xandra and have the best lesson with her. Just as we were at the most spiritual part of the lesson, CHRISTMAS CAROLERS show up to her door from our ward and she was already bawling. So that was great. We love her and are so grateful to be a part of her life! We also saw a couple miracles with some new investigators this week which just increased the importance of really teaching the people and not focusing on just the lessons. I am so grateful for the gift of the spirit and for the ability that Heavenly Father has given us to help each other out in this life. He loves us so much that he allows us to be in each others lives to uplift and love one another. HOW GREAT IS THAT? Sister Purcell and I have been pretty sick but as we've just focused on others and do our best not to sneeze on our investigators things have been going quite alright. I love serving the Lord and I love Walla WAALLLAAA
I love you all and wish you the HAPPIEST HOLIDAYS
Sister Madeline Whetten 

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