Monday, December 7, 2015

Week 27 - Singing in the Rain

Hello from Walla Walla Washington!! 
Transfers are always crazy, crazy, but things are finally starting to settle down a little bit. The city of Walla Walla Washington is right at the bottom of the state next to Oregon. It is an older area with lots of history and TREES. Amazing. I haven't seen trees for 6 months.. hahaha ..ah. It was supposed to be the "New York City of the West" HA.. nope. I love it though. You can tell it is just full of people ready to come unto Christ. The area is full of humble people who are searching for the light and truth of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.  
Sister Purcell and I have been having a blast getting this area going. There is so much potential here and we are full of faith that the Lord will lead and guide us to do His will. We had the most powerful lessons on Wednesday and Thursday that totally set the tone for this transfer. When our transfer van pulled in on Wednesday night we had time to drop off my luggage (my stuff keeps growing it is terrible)...(sister missionaries are the worst) and start walking through the ice storm to a meeting with some new investigators. Their names are Janeth (Yaneth) and Freddie. We went into the lesson not really knowing what to expect but praying for guidance and for the spirit to guide. We ended up having such a powerful lesson with them and they committed to be baptized once they prayed to know if it was true. The spirit was so strong and you could see the light and hope in Janeth's eyes as we talked about eternal families and how she could be with her little family forever. 
On Thursday, we had a lesson with our investigator named Kim. She met us at the church for a tour and it turned into a jam-packed/spirit filled power lesson. She opened up immediately and we were able to testify of the simple truths of Christ's gospel. She too committed to be baptized. The Lord is preparing so many people! We have to be willing to open our mouths and love as he does. 
Sister Purcell and I are having so much fun. We find joy in every day as we invite others to come unto Christ and laugh as the day goes by. I am so excited for this transfer and I know that we will see so many miracles! 
The Christmas season is upon us! YES! We were able to watch the Christmas Devotional last night. It was so uplifting to be reminded of the reason for this wonderful season!
I love my Savior Jesus Christ and I love you all! 

Sister Madeline Whetten 

It's raining in Walla!...that never happens.  So naturally, we were singing' in the rain!

We got the Christmas tree and we LOVE it!

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