Monday, December 21, 2015

Week 29 - Wishing you a wonderful Walla Walla Christmas!

Hi! Not too much to write on this week, Sister Purcell has been sicker than a dog so with all of the snow and freezing rain we've had to spend some quality bonding time inside. Its not so bad when you have an amazing comp!! Its been SO great getting ready for Christmas and sharing the joy of our Savior with everyone we meet. We had some pretty neat experiences with a couple of our investigators this week. We really have been focuisng on teaching to their needs and letting the spirit testify of truth. As we have done that the people we are teaching have opened up so much and the spirit has been able to teach to their needs perfectly  I LOVE THIS GOSPEL. 
This week we had interviews with our mission President. He is such a kind and inspired man! We focused on spreading joy and how charity and love are the most important aspects in the Lord's work. As we strive to be representatives of Christ, the love for those around us will just come with it and then we can all rejoice together! It is such a blessing to be able to share the happiest message EVER with EVERYONE! ❤
I hope you all have seen the new Christmas Video from the Church, A Savior is Born. It has the plain and precious truths about our Savior and truly brings the sweetest spirit for the Christmas season.
I love serving the Lord here in Walla Walla and I hope you all have a MERRY CHRISTMAS 
Sister Madeline Whetten

Merry Christmas from Sister Purcell and Sister Whetten


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