Monday, September 26, 2016

Week 69 - Baby Squirrels and Women's Conference

Hello! It has been a great week. It seems like it has just flown by, but we definitely got a ton accomplished. Well, we didn't.... The Lord did. He has some amazing plans for this area. Sister Maxwell and I just found out that we are staying together another transfer in Pasco 10th ward and WE ARE SO EXCITED!  Literally bouncing off the walls. 
This week we had some amazing lessons and even found a new investigator! Her name is Stephanie and we were able to teach her, on Tuesday, a little bit about the Restoration. She was excited and we are going to go back this next Tuesday, which will be great. 

We met with Mercedes a few times this week and we tackled the Word of Wisdom lesson. It had the potential to go either way, but with lots of prayers and definitely divine intervention it went awesome. She accepted to live it (which means some significant life changes) and is still pushing toward her October 18th baptismal date. We are so excited for her and have absolutely loved every second getting to know and teach her. She came with us to the Women's Conference on Saturday and you could tell it really touched her heart. Especially President Uchtdorf's talk on faith. Faith has been a new concept for her and he definitely said what she needed to hear. What we all needed to hear! Hearing how we can obtain and grow our faith motivates us to act. 

Speaking of acting...We had members of our ward out with us EVERY NIGHT this week! We couldn't believe it. It was awesome. Each time we had them we had a great experience. I know that the Lord truly blesses us as we step outside of our comfort zones and reach out to help our other brothers and sisters. 

The Squirrel: One of the members in our ward found a baby squirrel at a park and took it home to nurse it back to health. When we asked if there was anything we could help her with she asked if we'd like to help her feed this infant squirrel. His name is "nutsy" according to her kids. We couldn't stop laughing about it. So on Saturday, Sister Maxwell and I got to feed Nutsy, the squirrel. It was hilarious. Definitely something to remember. 

We have truly been blessed to be serving at this time. The Lord's work is moving and we get to be a part of it. Learning how to live and share the Atonement of Jesus Christ has turned my world around. I really do love it and I appreciate all of the support and love that I feel from you! I hope you have the best week! 

Sister Madeline Whetten

Nutsy the squirrel

Our large and in charge district. They always make the sisters squat in front...... Ridiculous!

Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 68 - Zone Conference Reunion

Hello! It has been a busy, eventful week. Which we are so grateful for because with sister Maxwell's healing foot we aren't able to get out as much as we'd like. But, the Lord is still placing prepared people in our paths and helping us make the most out of every situation. 

We had zone conference this week which was SO FUN. I got to see two past companions and a ton of friends. You really meet the most wonderful people out here who bless your life so much. It was crazy to look around and see all of the missionaries I didn't know!! You dont realize you're old in the mission until you dont know any of the missionaries anymore. That's what happens when you get stuck in the Hermiston boonies for 6 months... haha. We received a great training on acting on revelation and answers from Heavenly Father. It was really about just being able to realize when you are having prayers answered. I think we are sometimes so focused on receiving these great audible answers that we miss the still small impressions that the Holy Ghost leaves in our minds and hearts.

OH MY. So we have been working with Mercedes right? The past couple of weeks President White had given us a challenge to invite at least one more person to be baptized and set a date before zone conference. Sister Maxwell and I took the challenge and prayerfully considered which one of our investigators we could invite again. After lots of fasting and prayer we decided to invite Mercedes to be baptized again. On Wednesday before zone conference we had a lesson with her and it was so powerful. Everything that we had studied for that morning was talked about and when It came time to invite her to consider a date it felt so right. We brought it up by talking about eternal families and about how her and Jeff could be sealed for time and all eternity. It was a special moment and we know that is what she truly wants. We were able to set a date for October 18 and she is determined to do anything and everything to make it. We love her family and we are so grateful for the opportunity we have to meet and work with them. They have truly been a blessing in our lives. Sister Maxwell and I have had the sweet confirmation that we are here for them. I know that Lord truly does care about each one of us individually and he just wants us to be happy. 

Thank you so much for all of your love and support! I hope you have the best week! 
Sister Madeline Whetten 

Monday, September 12, 2016

Week 67 - This week is on FIRE!

Hello! This week has been great, although there is not much to report on. We did have a couple of amazing lessons though! Also, there were a ton of fires in the area...BUT don't worry!!! We were all safe and sound. Also we got to make s'mores with a member last night, so Sister Maxwell and I are giving off the lovely smokey vibe today.

We are still working with Mercedes and she is really doing awesome. She has little to no knowledge about the Gospel, so we have really been taking it step by step. It is so fun to see her learn though. She is like a sponge and just soaks it all up. We have been making prayer and communication with her Heavenly Father a big focus. She says she loves all that she learns and has been making a conscious effort to build a knowledge for herself. We showed her the video of Al Fox Carraway and it was perfect for her. She is a little self conscious about her tattoos but we have been constantly reassuring her that it is OK. So the video was awesome and it talked all about prayer which was perfect.

I know that it is so important to share that time with our Father in heaven. He wants to communicate with us and he loves when we reach out. I know that as we earnestly strive to reach out to him through prayer, He will always answer and reassure us. 

We also were able to go into primary this week and talk about missionary work. It was so cute to see their little faces light up when we talked about how Heavenly Father blesses us as missionaries. When we asked if they were all going to serve missions their little hands shot up so fast we thought they were going to fall out of their chairs. We can all learn from their humble sweet examples of how to be ready and willing to serve the Lord in any way. 
I hope you all had a great week!! Thank you for everything!!! 

Love you all! 
Sister Madeline Whetten

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Week 66 - Finding, Teaching, Baptism, and Temple!

It has been the CRAZIEST week. My investigator Linda from Hermiston was finally able to be baptized this week! It was the most amazing thing. She didn't know I would get to come so when Sister Gomez and I showed up there were many tears. I had the opportunity to speak at the baptism. It was so wonderful to see her there just so full of joy as she was making this covenant with our Heavenly Father. Everyone there was just overwhelmed with emotion because of what she has gone through to get to this point. She is so strong and I am overjoyed for her.

We also had the opportunity to go through the temple with the Berry family from Hermiston. We had helped them prepare and got to go and experience that special moment with them. I again was overwhelmed with love and joy for them as they made more sacred promises in the temple. Its not very often that you get so many of those experiences in a week.
Back to good ol' Pasco. Things are actually going great here. Our investigator Mercedes is doing great. She is applying what the spirit is teaching her and really trying to make the necessary changes in her life to come closer to Jesus Christ. She also fed us amazing dinner this week with her husband Jeff and we had a great time getting to know them better. Sister Maxwell and I have really loved getting to know and serve their family. We know they are loved by our Father in Heaven and that he wants to see them progress.

We also found a new investigator this week! Her name is Charity. Her mother is an inactive member but her grandmother was very active when she was alive. She feels naturally drawn to the church and we had such a wonderful spirit-filled lesson with her last night. She is full of desire to change and she recognizes the hole that needs to be filled. We love her already and we are excited to see what the time brings.

 I love you all so much and I hope you have the best week! Thank you for all that you do.

Sister Madeline Whetten