Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 15 - Street Tacos and an Indian Summer

It has been the longest and fastest week of my life I swear. We had transfers which are always busy but they bring so many blessings! My new companion is Sister Hansen! She is so wise and experienced and she is teaching me SO MUCH about how to be fearless with talking to people and getting as much done as we possibly can in our days. 
Washington is having a hard time making up its mind whether or not it is fall or summer and we had a crazy hot week that left us back out in 98 degrees sweating up a storm. It's ok though because we had SO MANY MIRACLES!!!

We were able to meet some great people this week who are so ready to increase their faith in Jesus Christ. The best part is that we are able to meet them as we are walking to and from our already scheduled appointments! The Lord is placing people in our paths everyday and he needs us to reach out to them! Its amazing what happens when we step outside of our own little worlds for a moment and serve those who have been placed in our paths. It brings me so much joy to see the light that the Gospel brings into the lives of those we contact and teach. Even if they aren't totally ready to hear the message at that time you know that their hearts were touched. 


We have this lady in our ward who is the best example of "every member a missionary". She lives in a house full of people. Some are members and some aren't. But every Sunday she is able to come to church she brings EVERYONE SHE KNOWS. EVERYONE!!!! They take up like 2 rows. It is so amazing. When we asked her about it she simply stated that she knows its true and knows its good so why wouldn't she bring those that she loves to something that is good and true. MIND BLOWN. Also she fed us the best tacos I've had in months and I almost cried because they were so good. 

So the takeaways from this week other than 5 pounds of gained taco weight and more crazy sweaty door approaches are:
1. Sister Hansen is a rockstar 
2. Rebecca is a rockstar
3. WE are all missionaries as followers of Christ 
4. There are always people around you who need to see your light and hear about the Gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ 

I love you all so much and hope you have the greatest week! 
pray for all of us here in l'il ol'e duportail 

Sister Madeline Whetten 

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