Monday, September 7, 2015

Week 14 - Last Man Standing

This week was great! We didn't have anything super exciting happen besides transfer calls. Sister Williams and I will have to say goodbye as she heads off to Kennewick while I stay here in Richland! It's sad but I know we both have some great times ahead of us! we had a great week being able to meet some new people and continuing to teach our investigators. We love them SO MUCH! 
We were able to meet with Aurora and Vanessa this week and spend some time talking about enduring with a hopeful heart and trusting in our Heavenly Father. Vanessa is doing so great and you can see the light in her eyes as a new member of the church. We know Aurora will follow soon as she continues to progress and grow. WE LOVE THEM SO MUCH
This week we learned a lot about patience. Many of our appointments were cancelled and it is disappointing when you aren't able to meet. We were able to stay positive and trust in Heavenly Father and his timing. I learned that patience is directly related to hope and faith. To have patience you need to humble yourself and trust in your Savior. 
All in all it was a great week and I am excited to see what this transfer has in store! I love you all so much and look forward to hearing from all of you :) 

Sister Madeline Whetten 

*Also S/O to Kristina and Chaz for getting married I love you both*
*another to Jacob who turned 9 on sunday! WOOO!*

Below is a departing picture of Sister Williams and I 
disclaimer: I am actually on the right and she is on the left OOPS 

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