Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 65 - Greetings from Pasco

This week was good. It wasn't a super exciting week but that's ok! We are slowly but surely getting to know our MASSIVE ward. it is the biggest ward I have served in and its definitely a different dynamic than I'm used to. The ward consists of mainly young married couples who live in this beautiful new housing development. 

Working here is a bit different but we are taking new approaches with the members and hoping to see some progress. There are so many members in our area that they call it "mini Provo". They have a giant stake center in the middle of the neighborhood so people definitely know where we are at. The members are super missionary minded which is amazing because I don't know how anything would get done without that. Which is how it should be everywhere by the way! It doesn't matter how many members live in your neighborhood, there is always someone who can be fellowshipped and loved. I know that as disciples  of Jesus Christ we need to be doing his work at all times. Not just within our callings or church hours. As we prayerfully ask for Christ's desire to love and serve those around us, he will give it to us. I have seen the most wonderful things from asking the Lord to help me see and do things as he does. We are all so so far from perfect but because of him, I know we can be a little better each day. 

I love you all and I hope you have the best week!

Sister Madeline Whetten

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Week 64 - One and the Same

Hello! Transfer week has come and gone and I am back in Pasco! Who would've thought eh? I am in a different stake now and am serving in the Pasco 10th ward with Sister Maxwell. Sister Maxwell is from Mesa Arizona and we are a match made in heaven. Literally. I know that we were meant to be together because holy cow I love her. Our mission president says we look like cousins and it's probably because we both have big cheeks when we smile. It has been so much fun this past week and I can't wait for what lies ahead.

Pasco 10th ward is a huge, young ward with lots of move ins and beautiful homes. Its quite a change from my past areas but I love it just the same. There are some exciting things happening here as well. We are teaching a man named Jess. He is 81 and is amazing. He is all ready to be baptized and prepare to go to the temple to be sealed to his sweet wife. I know I say this all the time but my testimony of eternal families just continues to sky rocket. The only thing bringing Jess peace is the knowledge that he can be with his wife again. I know that that is Heavenly Father's plan for all of us. True happiness can only be found by following our Savior and completely trusting in the plan of our Father. 

I am so grateful to be here serving. My mind is blown every day with the amount of love that our Heavenly Father has for all of us. He knows us perfectly so the blessings he gives us for our obedience are perfect. I love you all and I hope you are having the best week! Thank you for all of your love and support.

Sister Madeline Whetten 

Twins :0)

Monday, August 15, 2016

Week 63 - Transfers and Tamales

Hello! It has been a wild week. We just got our transfer calls and I am leaving Hermiston Oregon and going back to Pasco, Washington. I cant even believe it. It feels like I just got here, but it has been six months. I love the area and the people but I know the Lord knows where I need to be. The worst part will be leaving Sister Johns ðŸ˜” I will miss her terribly but I am confident in her ability to take over the area and the people I love so much. 

Other than that sad news we did have a great week. We got to teach new investigators, Ramona came to church, and we were able to work with some of our favorite members who are returning. It has been amazing to see all of these brothers and sisters coming unto Christ by living and loving his teachings. I know that we can truly come to know our Savior as we learn about him and do our best to live as he taught. 

We got to go and help the spanish sisters with service this week making tamales! It was so much fun. The lady was so sweet and patient with our naive tamale making skills and we had a great time talking with her. Well, sort of talking. I did the best that I could in my broken spanglish. You would think I would've been fluent by now with all my native companions :) Everyone here asks how I understand so well and when I explain my background they never believe me. Their expressions are priceless.

We found a new investigator this week! Her name is Maria. We got her as a referral from the spanish elders because she prefers to be taught in English. When she let us into our home we were shocked (that doesn't happen often) and we ended up having a wonderful lesson with her. I am constantly amazed how quickly the Spirit can touch someones heart. I know that the Lord completely makes up for our inadequacies and helps us become instruments in His hands. I have treasured my time here in Hermiston and I know that the Lord will take care of the people I love here as well as the new people I get to meet and love in Pasco. Thank you so much for all of your support and love :) It makes the biggest difference. I love you! 

Have the best week. 
Sister Madeline Whetten

Monday, August 8, 2016

Week 62 - Sickbed Miracles

Hello! This week was busy and full of miracles and we only went out 3 of the 7 days. Crazy. The sickness that I've had going on was still going strong so we finally decided to crack down and go back to the doctors. She prescribed tougher meds and rest so that is exactly what we had to do. It's a bummer being sick out here, but the Lords work continues on, even if we get a little sick. 

We had the opportunity to help out at a baptism on Saturday for a recently returning less active family who is preparing to go to the temple! We have been working with them since February and this was the first baptism of their family that was not done by missionaries. We love them so much! Its incredible to see a family progress toward eternal marriage. I know the family is ordained of God and that it is the only way we can be truly happy and receive all the glory that our Heavenly Father has in store for us. 

We had the biggest miracle on Sunday!!! This girl named Bailey has been coming to church for about a year now with her boyfriend who just left on a mission. Her family is very against her joining the church, but shes known it is what is right for a long time. On Sunday she came up to us and told us she was ready and wants to be baptized here with all the support from the ward before she goes off to college. She asked us if we could help her with that and after we wiped the dumbfound look off our faces we told her we could! We are so excited for her and the decision she is about to make. We know it'll bring innumerable blessings into her life. 

I love being here and I love getting to serve my Savior. I know that He lives and that he is always there. I love you all and I hope you have the best week!

Sister Madeline Whetten 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Week 61 - Melting in Hermiston

Hello! Its been a great week here in Hermiston and people are asking if I'm ever going to leave. I'm halfway to residency so I might as well just live here... :)

Its been a busy, but eventful week. We had interviews with President White on Tuesday and we got to talk about the work in our area and what the Lord wants us to do to help his precious children. There is a lot of less active work here and President assured us that we are doing exactly what the Lord needs us to here by helping these brothers and sisters. It has been busy reaching out to those who have "fallen off the radar" and inviting them to come back into the open arms of our Savior. I truly love the people here and I pray every day that they can feel of that love. Working with the active members to reach out to those around them has been a blessing to witness. We are all representatives of the Savior and he needs everyone to be his missionaries.

I had to make another exciting trip to the doctors this week for a "mild case of strep throat" Mild or not it took me down for a day or two. We were still able to go and work which was great. Just no close talking haha. Getting sick out here can be hard but as I pray each day to see myself and others as Heavenly Father sees us, it becomes easier to deal with. The doctors here know me by now and greeted me with "Hello Miss Madeline!" Sister missionary or not we still get sick.

We have had the opportunity to meet and serve so many wonderful people here lately. I know that the Lord wants us to be happy, and the way we are happy, the ONLY way, is through his gospel. I love you all and I hope you have a great week. 

Sister Madeline Whetten

Famous Hermiston MELON

I love Sister Johns

Walla Walla Zone Conference

This picture was sent from a family and they said, "Thank you for sharing her with us.  We love her and your family..."

FHE - Acting out the Brother of Jared