We had the opportunity to go to the ward BBQ this week and invite a ton of people! It was so much fun to visit with the members and have them meet some of the people we are working with. Plus it was fun and the food was good :) They had live music and a jumping thing. The whole shabang.
The Lord led us to a new investigator this week! Her name is Trish and we are so excited to start working with her. We met her street contacting and came back for a lesson a few days later. The spirit was strong and we know that her faith will grow in our Savior Jesus Christ.
We have been working with Linda for a while now and it was been wonderful to get to know her. Unfortunately her health is a big obstacle so her baptism has been a few months in the making. We love her and we know that it is all in the Lords timing. Sister Miller gave her a new large print book of Mormon for her birthday with her name on it and she started crying. It was a sweet moment to see and be a part of.
On Sunday we got invited to help teach at the stake mission prep class. We did some role-plays with them and then bore our testimonies at the end. When it was my turn I found myself overcome with emotion and at a loss for words. I know that our Savior lives and that He loves us dearly. I am grateful to be here and I know that our Heavenly Father has given us this gospel so we can all return to live with Him.
I love you all and I hope you have the best week.
Sister Madeline Whetten
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