Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Week 52 - High centered in the middle of nowhere....

Hello! This week was amazing. Sister Gomez and I are exhausted but it was amazing. We have really been working hard to get the ward members involved here. It takes a lot of effort to get people to venture out of their comfort zones but it is so worth it. We ended up having awesome lessons with the Edgerly family, Ramona, Amie, Linda, Kayla and more! The entire atmosphere changes when the investigator feels the love and support from friends in the ward. This is why we have congregations. To love and support one another! The Lord knows we cannot do it on our own so he supplies a way for us to serve and uplift our brothers and sisters. We had a couple of crazy things happen this week as well. 

Sister gomez and I were making our way to a members home. They live out in the middle of nowhere and I'm not so good with directions when the roads aren't even ON THE MAP ok! So we start driving down this one road and the grass keeps getting higher and higher and Im pretty sure we are going the right way then all of a sudden it went bad really fast. Sister Gomez and I gave each other the oh no we need to turn around look but it was too late. The dirt got so high we HIGH CENTERED the car out in the middle of nowhere at 2 pm on a Sunday. Our little chevy cruz couldn't handle the rugged terrain of Stanfield Oregon. It was so funny and I am so grateful for kind members who were willing to tow dumb sisters out of the dirt. 

I know that the Lord answers prayers. He loves to communicate with us and all we need to do is put our full trust in Him. It is WAY harder when we attempt to do it alone :) I love you all and I am so grateful for each of you! I hope you have a great week!
Sister Madeline Whetten 

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