Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 45 - Radioactive Spiders and a new transfer

Hello!! These weeks just go by in the blink of an eye! There were some pretty exciting things that happened so I will sum them up. 

Our investigator Kayla told us she wants to be baptized! Shes so strong and amazing. This will be such an incredible step for her and her family who hopefully will follow soon. She wants to get baptized on April 28 because it is her birthday. What a better day to be spiritually reborn! Ha! Get it? My jokes are getting worse and worse, I apologize. 
And the fun just keeps on going! I got bit by a crazy bug. Not sure what is was but I will for sure keep you updated. This place is nuts but I love it.

ALSO! We just got transfer calls and Hermana Quiroz is leaving me :( She has been such a joy to serve with and I will miss her terribly. She is going to do wonderful things in WALLA WALLA! (aka my fav place) I will be receiving a new missionary and I am so excited to meet her on Wednesday! The Lords work is constantly in motion. We are all so blessed to be a part of it. I know that we are all here to love and serve one another. I am so grateful for all of you! Have a great week!

Sister Madeline Whetten

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