Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 47 - "Come Ye Children of the Lord"

Hello! IT WAS SUCH A GOOD WEEK. I can't even believe we have already started another one. Sister Gomez and I have been seeing so many miracles! 

I have to tell you about Linda!!! So about a month ago I was flipping through our area book and I came across a potential sheet from a few years ago. Linda's name stood out and we decided to go and visit her. The first time we went by she was sick so when we stopped by last week she was so excited to talk to us again! We got to know her and started to teach her and SHE WANTS TO BE BAPTIZED!!! She is the sweetest lady and she is absolutely hilarious. She is always cracking jokes and we adore her. She is older in age and she likes to meet with us with her best friend Lu so it is just the four of us laughing and talking about the gospel. She so excited to be baptized and we couldn't be happier. She bore the sweetest testimony the last time that we met with her and I could feel the overwhelming love that our Heavenly Father has for her. I love being His servant and getting to share these moments with some of His precious children. So we are so excited for her and I will keep you updated! 

I know the Lord loves us and all he wants is for us to be happy. I love you all and hope you have the best week! 

Sister Madeline Whetten

Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 46 - "My favorite animals....puppies"

Hello! WOW ok I know I always say the weeks are crazy, But this week really was. On Wednesday I said goodbye to Sister Quiroz as she headed off to Walla Walla and I got to go pick up Sister Gomez! Sister Jessica Gomez is from Henderson Nevada. She is THE BEST. She is on fire and we've been having so much fun. I am so grateful for this opportunity to learn and grow from her. I'm also grateful for her patience and kindness with these people I love so much and with me. The Lord places people in our paths for a reason, and it is our job to love and serve them. 

Part of training a new missionary is going to trainings on how to train haha. But at this training we listened to a talk called "Come what may, and love it." by Elder Joseph B Worthlin. I know that as we learn to laugh, seek for the eternal, and trust in our Father in Heaven and His Son we will be happy! Missionary work is sometimes misunderstood. People feel like they need to be serious, reserved, and concerned all the time! That is not true! All that will give you is worry lines and pre-mature grey hair. I know that as we live each day by the council that Elder Worthlin gave and give it all to our Savior Jesus Christ, we are truly happy. And we need to laugh. A lot. Life is hilarious. Especially with Sister Whetten and Sister Gomez. 

The Meadows ward continues to blossom (haha) and the Lord is preparing so many of our brothers and sisters here. I will keep you updated on all of the exciting things that are sure to come! I hope you have a wonderful week :) 

Sister Madeline Whetten

Me and my new companion, Sister Gomez

Our investigator's cute little puppy

Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 45 - Radioactive Spiders and a new transfer

Hello!! These weeks just go by in the blink of an eye! There were some pretty exciting things that happened so I will sum them up. 

Our investigator Kayla told us she wants to be baptized! Shes so strong and amazing. This will be such an incredible step for her and her family who hopefully will follow soon. She wants to get baptized on April 28 because it is her birthday. What a better day to be spiritually reborn! Ha! Get it? My jokes are getting worse and worse, I apologize. 
And the fun just keeps on going! I got bit by a crazy bug. Not sure what is was but I will for sure keep you updated. This place is nuts but I love it.

ALSO! We just got transfer calls and Hermana Quiroz is leaving me :( She has been such a joy to serve with and I will miss her terribly. She is going to do wonderful things in WALLA WALLA! (aka my fav place) I will be receiving a new missionary and I am so excited to meet her on Wednesday! The Lords work is constantly in motion. We are all so blessed to be a part of it. I know that we are all here to love and serve one another. I am so grateful for all of you! Have a great week!

Sister Madeline Whetten

Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 44 - The Black Lung

Hello everyone! Boy has it been an insane week. Sister Quiroz and I have really been working hard to find those that are truly ready to listen to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is wonderful to see how the Lord will place those in our paths who we can serve. We are on this earth to help each other out and learn and grow together to become who our Heavenly Father wants us to be.

It was an interesting week with this horrible sickness that made its way into our apartment. I came down with an awful cough that has kept a house of 4 sisters up for a week. I am so grateful for amazing members who helped me get through, ordered me medicine and helped me see doctors when needed. Although we weren't able to go out and teach as much as we would've liked, we still had the spirit there with us, teaching us and guiding us to what we could do, considering the circumstances. Asthma attacks are scary but I knew that with the Lord's help, I would be ok. I was able to receive a priesthood blessing that gave comfort and promised healing after a certain amount of time. I know that the Lord's timing is perfect, and so are His teaching methods even though they may not be the most comfortable haha. The trick is to remain happy through the whole thing. That is how you truly see the tender mercies and blessings throughout times of trial. :D

On a happier note! Conference was AMAZING. Sister Quiroz and I had the opportunity to watch it with one of our Recent Converts, Nikki. She is trying so hard and with her heart set on going to the temple, it was wonderful to see her take in all of the talks and truly feel uplifted. I am so grateful for the opportunity to listen to the Lord's servants. I know that our Heavenly Father loves us infinitely and perfectly and that this is His church. I love you all! Have the best week!

Sister Madeline Whetten

A picture of our 4 man house with 1 bathroom :))