Monday, March 28, 2016

Week 43 - "With courage bold, let us stand"

Hello! This week was pretty normal as far as normal goes out here. Sister Quiroz and I are still going out there and trying our best to aid in bringing souls to Christ. I'm sure I've scared her by now with how much I enjoy driving crazy down the dirt back roads. 
We were able to meet with some of our new investigators this week! Fernando and his children had met with the elders before but they were never able to catch him with his crazy schedule. Leave it to sisters and intense finding skills to track him down and continue meeting with him. He has such a desire to do what is right for not only himself but for his children. He can tell that there is something missing in their lives and we have been allowing him to feel the spirit testify to him of the truthfulness of Christ's gospel. It has been such a pleasure to work with their family and serve them.  
We have also been working with quite a few less-active families. We were ecstatic when a few of them showed up for church on Sunday! Sister Quiroz and I had the opportunity to give talks and the spirit was strong as we testified of Christ and His atonement. It was hilarious because the lady who spoke before me is like 5 foot 1 and they neglected to raise the podium after she was done (face palm) So there I was! Giant Sister Whetten having to lean over the podium to give my talk. If you can picture it, it was quite funny.  
The highlight of the week was the Women's Broadcast! It was so powerful as the speakers testified about charity and serving our brothers and sisters in Christlike love. It was a call for all of us to stand together and uplift one another. I am so grateful for the opportunity we have to serve and love one another. It is truly what makes us happy. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week! 

Sister Madeline Whetten 

The Whetten Boys loved seeing this picture!

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