it has been a crazy couple of days. Sister Williams and I got moved out of our apartment on Thursday and Friday during a giant windstorm! It was nuts. If you can picture four girls in skirts trying to move beds and dressers in flying dirt then you pretty much have it! Skirts and wind is definitely not a good combo and I probably Marilyn Monroe'd quite a few people... oops. But good news! We got moved in with our best friends out here, Sister Purcell and Sister Mcomber!! It. is. so. fun. We get along so well which is good because our apartment is a shoe box. We love it though! It's great how we can still work hard and have a blast. It is the best combination.
Our investigators are still progressing and I love them dearly. Rebecca is doing great! We just have to get her to church.. haha. That always seems to be the hardest part. Things always go wrong on Sunday mornings for some reason. But it's alright! She will get there and it will obviously be amazing, it may just take some time. BUT she found out my passion for mexican food and made me TAMALES. LIKE A DOZEN OF THEM. THEY ARE SO GOOD. I'll have to run extra at the track this week ;)
I've been reading in Mosiah lately and I am constantly amazed by the love and kindness of our Savior. It says over and over how his arm is always outstretched. All we have to do is take his hand and allow him to lead and guide us. Teaching and learning this is so wonderful! I love you all dearly and hope you have the best week! The tamales and I wish you the best.
Sister Madeline Whetten
Sister Mcomber, Williams, and Purcell in our now shared apartment |
Movvvviiiinnggg |
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