another crazy week here in lovely richland. We have had some wild wind storms that have actually made it cooler! Yes! It got rid of the nasty smoke from the fires though, so we don't smell like chimneys anymore. Walking home for an hour when it is dark and cold had sure been interesting though...lots of adventures with flashlights. :)
We were able to go bowling for a P-Day activity last monday! It was so much fun to spend some time showing off our horrible bowling skills and laughing (of course). One of the sisters who lives in our apartment bakes when she gets stressed out so this week we were blessed with the most BEAUTIFUL BANANA BREAD I HAVE EVER SEEN. She's great and we are glad she can relieve her stress in such a tasty way.
it is incredible to see how the Lord uses his missionaries to do his work. It is so important to study, plan, and pray everyday so he can guide us to those who are ready to listen! We were able to meet some amazing people this week who are willing to take time out of their day and have us come back to teach. We were out on thursday night trying potential investigators that we had found in the area book. We planned to go see this man named Robert but when we knocked on the door we found out he didn't live there anymore. A woman answered the door instead and we ended up talking to her for a while. She explained how she had met with missionaries before but they had moved and lost touch with them. She was so excited that we found her and invited us to come back. It was the most amazing thing!! By following the spirit and planning we were able to find someone who is ready to follow Jesus Christ. I LOVE IT OUT HERE ...AH!
We also met tons of new people to teach and we are so excited to get to know them and serve their families in every way that we can.
We had so many people at church this week! We have had a hard time lately getting people there on Sunday morning so when most of the families walked in Sister Williams and I almost started crying we were so happy! Needless to say, it was a wonderful week as usual. Alma 29:9-10 How great is my joy!
I love you all and hope you have the best week!!
Sister Madeline Whetten
ps. please excuse my baggy pants... :)