Monday, July 6, 2015

Week 5 - Happy Fourth of July

Monday, July 6, 2015

WOW what a week! It has honestly been a week of many blessings and many surprises. You'll be happy to hear the heat hasn't stopped and neither has the cat allergies. It's alright though, it gets people's attention and occasionally gets us into their houses for pity water and a fan. There are soooo many great people you meet as a missionary and I truly have been strengthened by them. Just knowing that Heavenly Father has places people in our path that he needs us to meet and serve at this time is such a huge blessing because it solidifies our calling and the importance of opening our mouths and sharing with everyone we meet. It's fun! I mean sometimes people get freaked out by these overly enthusiastic sweaty girls who want to talk to them about their lives and other truly enjoy our presence. Those are the people that make us sit down at the end of the day totally disgustingly exhausted and rejoice about what a fantastic day it has been.  

This week was full of those days! We had an investigator family that was kind of falling off our radar and we hadn't been able to get a hold of them in over a week. We were getting some water at a members house and got the impression that we needed to immediately leave. Sister Williams and I didn't know why we needed to go but we left and began the long walk ( journey) home. As we were walking we came across the teenage girl in the family we are teaching. She was excited to see us and explained how it had been a crazy week but she was meeting her mother and brother in the park if we would like to join her. of course we were freaking out but managed to keep it cool as we went to the park to talk with her mother. It was such an awesome experience. We had a lesson on the plan of salvation right there in the park and it was incredible to see their faith and desire to learn about and follow their savior. We focused especially on eternal families and how much Heavenly Father loves us. The family was moved and expressed their desire to learn more and come to CHURCH ...AH. We ended up giving them a church tour later in the week and it was so great. We love them dearly and are able to know how much Heavenly Father loves them. We are excited to continue to teach them and get closer to them as they progress! 

I guess there is a tradition in this ward where they have a giant breakfast on the fourth at the park! we got to go which was great because free food and some people who we had been talking to were able to come. Other than that it was pretty uneventful and we got to watch other light off fireworks. YAY. Unfortunately we aren't allowed to participate and had to be home by 6 which definitely allowed for some companion forced bonding time. Poor Sister Williams thinks I'm nuts but she is so nice to love me anyway. 

Overall it was a fabulous week and I have truly loved it. Really learning how to enjoy every second through the ups and downs has been a great lesson to learn. I know that this church is true and that it is Christs gospel! He loves us so much and wants us to know that! I love you all so much as well! Keep the people of super duportail always in your prayers Have a great week!
Love, Sister Madeline Whetten 

Fourth of July Pancake Breakfast

Some fireworks.... that we were not allowed to light :(

Sharing a Coke and a smile with Mom

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