How are you all doing? We have had the craziest week and I am so excited to tell you all about it.
Our area is so beautiful. We cover a bunch of farmland with lovely houses right next to the Colombia river. GORGEOUS! Especially, when the sun rises and sets! Oh man, it is incredible! I already love the people so much and we are excited to see the growth that will take place in the Pasco 8th ward.
My companion is Sister Camplese! She is the sweetest most loving/hilarious person and we are the tall, blonde (fake blonde) dream team! We are so excited to work together and really get the work moving here.
Sister Camplese and I were doubled in, so there wasn't a whole lot to go off of when we got here! AH! its ok. It has really taught us about patience and faith. We know that it may take some time to get things started but we have absolute confidence in the work of the Lord and the miracles it brings.
Ok, I am running out of time, but we had the best experience...
We were talking to people in our apartment complex and we saw a man moving some heavy mattresses into his apartment. We offered our help and we awkwardly carried this giant memory foam mattress up the stairs. We were able to meet him and his wife and they are interested in meeting with us! It was so incredible to see how loving and willing people are to learn!
I love serving here in Pasco and I am so grateful for all of your prayers and support!
have the best week!
Sister Madeline Whetten