Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Week 4 - Hot, Hot, Hot!!!

 Monday, June 29, 2015
Whoever said Washington was cold and rainy were liars. This week it was 115 degrees for two days with humidity. Like where did that even come from. Everybody sees us walking around for 9 hours every day and they think we are crazy. Like when we talk to them they say "You are crazy" But we are girls and thankfully they take pity on us and it has been a good way to talk to people and slide in a message about the gospel. ha. It has been quite a week with the heat of course but "I can do hard things" and "Faith not fear" have been our mottos that have greatly uplifted us and encouraged us to keep going. The love we have for the people here truly makes it all worth it. We keep a smile on our face and get to work.

This week we learned how to trust in the Lord's timing. Things weren't working out with our investigators and appointments kept falling through. It is tough to see someone you've prayed and worked so hard for decide that its not the thing for them. But putting all our trust in Heavenly Father and working through those times leads to incredible miracles. That is a lesson I have learned this week and I'm so grateful for it. 

Two of our investigators, Aurora and Vanessa committed to being baptized this week! it was so wonderful to see the light in their eyes as we taught and when they felt the spirit witness to them of the truth! oh my goodness. Vanessa is 9 and has such a strong testimony already. Aurora knows its true and has already seen it help and guide her in her life. It is awesome to see them make this journey and see the light of Christ grow in their hearts. We love everyone we teach and I feel like I learn more from them than they learn from me. 

I am extremely allergic to cats. Everyone here has at least 2 cats!
We went over to a members house for dinner and I went to pick up my bag and some cat hair got into my eye. Have you seen the goonies? I looked like sloth with my eye swelled shut and my nose running. There were tears streaming down my face along with sweat cause its stinking hot and my companion could not stop laughing!! we were literally knocking doors and talking to people on the street like that and people thought I had serious problems. It was the funniest thing and was definitely a highlight of the week. I had to promise people I wasnt crying or overly emotional and eventually we had to stop because for some odd reason people weren't taking to our message like they usually did. Probably due to the hideous disfigurement of my face and my manly voice from my throat closing. It was absolutely hilarious and I wish we had taken a picture.

Another great week in Duportail as you can tell and I truly am loving it. I am so grateful for your prayers and support! They make a difference and Sister Williams and I truly appreciate it. She is a gem and I am blessed to have her as a companion so we can experience this work together. Being a part of the lives of the people here and focusing on them has been the greatest experience. I love this work, I love weird ole duportail, and I love you all so much! Have the most amazing week!

Love, Sister Sloth Whetten 

Below are some pictures from our week! Nasty foot tans are all the fad.

Sweaty Sister Missionaries are happy sister missionaries! right?

Monday, June 22, 2015

Week 3 - Made it to Richland, Washington

Let's start off by describing the area. The lovely town of Richland is located about 20 minutes away from Kennewick and is flat as can be. If any of you have seen the movie Hot Rod, it is exactly like the town where that takes place. Like, exactly. It is hot, the people and the houses are exactly the same and I laugh about it all the time. Now that you have that image you know what it's like to serve in the Duportail (like super-dupor) ward in Richland Washington! I love it already, I really do. People are so ready here to listen and accept the gospel. It is truly incredible. It is over 100 degrees every day and our area is walking.  Unfortunately, our apartment is a 25 minute walk from our ward but HEY it's ok! lots of bonding time with my incredible trainer.

Sister Williams:
What a girl. She is honestly so incredible and I know we were paired together for a reason. I've been here 6 days and she has already taught me more than I ever could've imagined. She is kind, patient, and so ready to work. it's crazy how good we get along and I know we will work hard together. 

The Members:
The members are incredible and take care of us as if we were their own. They are always giving us rides home because of the walk and offer waters and feed us dinner every night. How amazing is that??! They make us feel so loved and appreciated. it really makes the transition easier. 

So miracles are ALREADY HAPPENING. We started working Wednesday due to prior training and we already have 6 investigators since then! 6! like. Holy smokes I cant even believe it. We go out tracting every day from 12-5 and then from 6-830. We have appointments in between that time but basically its a lot of walking in the sun! which I honestly don't mind! But people think we are crazy. Most of the people live in these tiny tiny houses that have been here since the atomic bomb that was made in Hanford. I dont know if any of you have heard of handford but it is the nuclear plant where they constructed the atomic bombs...so people moved here and built these little houses and never left. I kind of love it . It is great to meet all these nice people. Well..mostly nice. But that is everywhere. Anyway we were walking around on Wednesday and we met Genesis and Bryana just hanging outside. They are 14 and were so open to the gospel. The spirit was incredible and weve met with them and their families. I know we were led to that street for a reason and because of that we have met 2 incredible families that are ready to hear about the gospel and follow Christ. We have met some other incredible people that Sister Williams and I are determined to teach. Teaching is so wonderful when you view others with the same love and patience as Christ does. I absolutely love it. That is probably my favorite part of being here. Loving and teaching as Christ would. Inviting people to come unto him and exercise their faith. IT MAKES ME SOOOOO HAPPY. Our last investigator is from last night. We were prompted to tract down a street and were getting nowhere. We came to a house and a man named Jason answered the door. We ended up talking to him for an hour about the restoration and he totally believes. It was the most incredible experience and the spirit was so strong. We could literally feel the love that Jesus Christ has for him and it made the whole thing a mind blowing experience.

I love this work. It may be hot and my feet may be tired but it is truly the happiest I've been. Every day is exciting and it starts with studying diligently in the morning. My testimony of my Savior and his gospel has multiplied by degrees I didn't think it could get to. I know He loves each and every one of us and truly desires for us to be happy. As missionaries, we have the unique opportunity to share this message of love and happiness with others. 

I love you all and I hope you have a wonderful week! 

Sister Madeline Whetten

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Week Two - Lots of Pictures

Zone Girls

Happy in the grass!

Always fun to run into your best friend in the MTC

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Week One - Life in the MTC

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I'd like to start off by telling you how much I love and appreciate you. I feel your prayers and they mean so much. Although saying goodbye was hard and I miss you everyday I have really come to enjoy my time here. The food may be gross and I may have to wake up at the worst time ever but the spirit is undeniable. I have never felt so blessed and guided by our Heavenly Father. Along with working my tail off I am also having a great time with my district. They are absolutely hilarious. My companion is the sweetest thing and I'm so excited to travel to Kennewick with her. 

Every day we wake up, pray, study, pray, go to class, pray, teach investigators, pray, eat weird food, pray, teach again, pray, go to class, pray, and study so more. Im honestly emotionally exhausted every day even though we hardly move. My teachers here are incredible. Brother Barton looks like Agent Cody Banks and he is one of the best teachers ive ever had. He has honestly taught me SO much and has really impressed the importance of our calling. He has made me trust my savior and open my mouth to really be an instrument in his hands. SIster Gibson is also amazing and teaches me how to keep Christ as a focus in our minds and to treat everyone as an equal recipient of Christs atonement.

Wearing the name of Christ over your hear is SO WONDERFUL. Being a set apart representative of him and truly bringing others to know of his love is the best thing ive ever done. You feel such a confidence from him and a trust that can only come from studying and praying your hardest. 

You know how I had been struggling with speaking? Wow, does the Lord care what you are going through. It all happens through the spirit of the Holy ghost. In lessons it is as if there is a teleprompter in my mind telling me exactly what to say and when to say it. It is the most incredible thing ive ever experienced. As we truly come unto Christ and accept his doctrine and his teaching he will put HIS TRUST IN US. can you believe that? My savior trusting someone like me to study, pray and teach for and to one of his most beloved brother or sister? My mind is blown. I encourage you all to study his words, they are true and specific to us. Also as we strive to treat everyone we meet as an equal recipient of Christ's atonement, our ENTIRE point of view changes.

Anyway. I've learned more than I could have ever imagined and it is just the beginning. I've waited all week for this P day and was so excited to talk to you. DEAR ELDERS ARE WONDERFUL. I get them the day that you send them and they make me so happy. At least here in the MTC. In Kennewick itll be better to just email and send letters. I couldn't be more excited to start. Dont worry my entire district thinks I'm crazy and I definitely have loved getting to know them. I appreciate all the love/1

Jacob, I love you so much and Im so proud of you for getting the honor roll at school!! 
Daniel, I bet you are so glad to be out of school, take care of lilly for me and giver her lots of love
Christopher, I loved getting your letter, It was something I needed to hear and I am continually grateful for your example. 

Mom and dad I love you with all my heart and cannot thank you enough for the examples you have been to me. I wont stop talking about you guys to my district and they all are annoyed with me for it. I cannot wait to hear more from you. I will send some pictures so you can see what had made me so happy here

You all are continuously in my prayers and missionary prayers are worth SO MUCH ...I promise. 

I love you so much, 

Sister Madeline Whetten